Monday, 23 December 2013

Engineering Day

This day is the presentation day and be called as Engineering Day. On this day, all the students who taking FYPII is going to presents their projects to the accesors. I feel the pressure in order to gave a good explanation to the accesors but i manage to endure it till the ends of the presentation.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

IV curve characteristics

To investigate the electrical characteristics of a PV module under varying loads.

1. To estimate the IV curve characteristics of a PV module

2. To estimate the power curve characteristic of a PV module

Schematic diagram



Thursday, 14 November 2013


  •   Construct the circuit to test the PV module characterisation. To investigate the electrical characteristic of PV module under varying loads.

  • To investigate the IV curve characteristic of PV module

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Wiring for the lamp

To make a fake sun as a source of energy, 4 halogen lamp is used in this project. The wiring for the lamp is done in this week. The connection of the lamp is in series. All for lamp is place at the top of the stucture properly. After finish the wiring, the lamp is tested.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Constructing the structure

We are using an angle bar to be used as the based structure of the project. The angle bar is cutted using the grinder according to the desired length. The structure is combined by using a bolt and nuts. The cutting is being done with extra cautious as it involve sharp materials. A safety aspect is really important in this part.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Testing the solar panel

  •   Testing the Solar Panel

  • To make sure this Solar Panel are functioned.
  • Measure the output value from the Solar Panel (directly without any circuit). Measure the voltage and current output produced from the Solar Panel using Multimeter.
  • Determine the maximum performance using this Solar Panel. To produce the max output,  test the Solar Panel at shining day. 
        The solar Panel will produce the different output power depending on the brightness of the light.  For this testing, not use sunlight, but change the sunlight with brightness of the lamp.Solar Panel can be operating when we expose to  brightness of the lamp and there will give the electricity output. from this testing we can analyzed that the more brightness apply at the PV, the more output value will be get.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Testing the thermoelectric

In this week, the thermoelectric is being tested. It is done to make sure this Thermoelectric Module are functioned. After that, measure the output value from the Thermoelectric Module  using Multimeter. Determine the maximum performance using this Thermoelectric Module.  To produce the max output,  give the largest different temperature on each side of the Thermoelectric Module.