Monday, 23 December 2013
Engineering Day
This day is the presentation day and be called as Engineering Day. On this day, all the students who taking FYPII is going to presents their projects to the accesors. I feel the pressure in order to gave a good explanation to the accesors but i manage to endure it till the ends of the presentation.
Sunday, 15 December 2013
IV curve characteristics
To investigate the electrical characteristics of a PV module under varying loads.
To investigate the electrical characteristics of a PV module under varying loads.
To estimate the IV curve characteristics of a PV module
To estimate the power curve characteristic of a PV module
Schematic diagram
Thursday, 14 November 2013
- Construct the circuit to test the PV module characterisation. To investigate the electrical characteristic of PV module under varying loads.
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Wiring for the lamp
To make a fake sun as a source of energy, 4 halogen lamp is used in this project. The wiring for the lamp is done in this week. The connection of the lamp is in series. All for lamp is place at the top of the stucture properly. After finish the wiring, the lamp is tested.
To make a fake sun as a source of energy, 4 halogen lamp is used in this project. The wiring for the lamp is done in this week. The connection of the lamp is in series. All for lamp is place at the top of the stucture properly. After finish the wiring, the lamp is tested.
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Constructing the structure
We are using an angle bar to be used as the based structure of the project. The angle bar is cutted using the grinder according to the desired length. The structure is combined by using a bolt and nuts. The cutting is being done with extra cautious as it involve sharp materials. A safety aspect is really important in this part.
We are using an angle bar to be used as the based structure of the project. The angle bar is cutted using the grinder according to the desired length. The structure is combined by using a bolt and nuts. The cutting is being done with extra cautious as it involve sharp materials. A safety aspect is really important in this part.
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Testing the solar panel
- Testing the Solar Panel
- To make sure this Solar Panel are functioned.
- Measure the output value from the Solar Panel (directly without any circuit). Measure the voltage and current output produced from the Solar Panel using Multimeter.
- Determine the maximum performance using this Solar Panel. To produce the max output, test the Solar Panel at shining day.
The solar Panel will produce the different output power depending on the brightness of the light. For this testing, not use sunlight, but change the sunlight with brightness of the lamp.Solar Panel can be operating when we expose to brightness of the lamp and there will give the electricity output. from this testing we can analyzed that the more brightness apply at the PV, the more output value will be get.
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Testing the thermoelectric
In this week, the thermoelectric is being tested. It is done to make sure this Thermoelectric Module are functioned. After that, measure the output value from the Thermoelectric Module using Multimeter. Determine the maximum performance using this Thermoelectric Module. To produce the max output, give the largest different temperature on each side of the Thermoelectric Module.
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
Week 4
For this week progress, the solar panel and thermoelectric module have been purchased at Jalan Pasar. Measuring equipment and tools also have been purchased.
For the thermoelectric module, this component converts the heat into electricity and the output maybe approximately around 10mV~50mV.
- Project Progress
- Buy the project materials.
- Buy the solar panel.
- Buy thermoelectric module.
For this week progress, the solar panel and thermoelectric module have been purchased at Jalan Pasar. Measuring equipment and tools also have been purchased.
The specification for this solar panel is:
- Max output power: 5W
- Vmp: 16.8V
- Imp: 0.3A
- Voc: 21V
- Isc: 0.38A
- Dimension: 254 x 294 x 25
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Week 2
The task is to find the hardware and equipment for the project. After short listed the items, the component and tools are being located at Jalan Pasar shop. Some material need to get at hardware shop for example wire for the lamp.
- Check and get related tools for the FYP project
- For the component and tools can get at the Jalan Pasar shop.
- Some material need to get at hardware shop for example wire for the lamp.
- Planning the progress of this project carefully to get best product and result
- The FYP progress should contains the step below:
- Idea and project the title.
- Project preparation.
- Concept development and testing.
- Project development and testing.
- Final preparation.
- At the end of next week the equipment and tools have been buy and all the raw materials related to this project also have classified.
Friday, 13 September 2013
Week 1
-We are asked to attend a Final Year Project (FYP) briefing at TTL2. The meeting is done to let the students know about the new agenda in FYPII. All the needs to complete the FYP is being brief in this meeting. On this week also, the component that will be used is being listed. The main component is the photovoltaic and the thermoelectric modules.
-We are asked to attend a Final Year Project (FYP) briefing at TTL2. The meeting is done to let the students know about the new agenda in FYPII. All the needs to complete the FYP is being brief in this meeting. On this week also, the component that will be used is being listed. The main component is the photovoltaic and the thermoelectric modules.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
By the end of the research study,
the researcher will be able to produce a new development of
photovoltaic-thermoelectric solar simulator. The researcher also will be able
to understand the overall configuration off every device and instrument used.
This project will provide an alternative way and efficient method in testing
the solar panel by replacing the real sunlight with an artificial sunlight
which come from the xenon lamp. This project will use the PV-TE hybrid system
and the performance result produces will be observed to see the different on
the electrical properties.
Other than that, this project setup
would have beneficial effect of permitting much less expensive installation for
testing and development. Hence the test procedure can be used by manufacturers
for testing of different type of PV tiles and combination of PV tiles in order
to optimize its products for better efficiency.
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Sunday, 14 April 2013
benefit of this project is:
- § To provide an alternative way and efficient method in testing the solar panel by replacing the real sunlight with an artificial one.
- § To provide a controllable indoor test facility under laboratory conditions.
Saturday, 13 April 2013
- To develop a hardware of PV-TE portable solar simulator
- To evaluate the performance of the PV-TE using LabVIEW software
- To see the different on efficiency of the PV panel and the PV-TE
Saturday, 30 March 2013
Problem Statement
In order to produce a voltage
from a solar panel, it will need energy from the sun. But sometimes the process
can be stalled as the weather keep changing and blocking the sunlight.
Photovoltaic solar panel power production works most efficiently in cold
temperatures. Cold, sunny environments provide optimal operating conditions for
solar panels. In Malaysia, the weather keeps changing throughout the day. This
eventually will stop any testing on a solar panel as there is no sunlight. In
order to overcome the problem, this project is made so that the testing can be
done anytime during the absence of sunlight.
Temperatures also contribute a
small problem on the photovoltaic (PV) which their optimum temperature should
be around 25°C. Whenever the temperature increases above than 25°C, the
efficiency and the output produce will be decreases. With the ambient
temperature of 34°C in Malaysia, it surely gives disadvantages on the
photovoltaic panel. It is quite difficult for making sure that that the
temperature is fixed at 25°C when being exposed to sunlight, but what we can do
is to absorb the heat produced by the peltier and convert it into electrical
energy. The peltier will be placed at the bottom of the PV which will also act
as a heat sink and lower down the temperature.
Thursday, 7 March 2013
Solar energy, radiant light and heat from
the sun,
has been harnessed by humans since ancient times using
a range of ever-evolving technologies. Solar energy technologies include solar heating, solar photovoltaics, solar thermal electricity, solar architecture and artificial photosynthesis,
which can make considerable contributions to solving some of the most urgent
energy problems the world now faces.
The objective of a photovoltaic-thermoelectric (PV-TE)
Solar Simulator is to provide a controllable indoor
test facility under laboratory conditions, used for the testing of solar cells
by using LabVIEW software. Hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) solar systems can
simultaneously provide electricity and heat, achieving a higher conversion rate
of the absorbed solar radiation than standard PV modules. When properly
designed, PV/T systems can extract heat from PV modules, heating water or air
to reduce the operating temperature of the PV modules and keep the electrical
efficiency at a sufficient level. PV/T solar systems are a recently emerging
solar technology that allows for the simultaneous conversion of solar energy
into both electricity and heat. This type of technology present some
interesting advantages over the conventional “side-by-side” thermal
and PV solar systems, such as higher combined electrical/thermal energy outputs
per unit area, and a more uniform and aesthetical pleasant roof area. Despite
the fact that early research on PV/T systems can be traced back to the
seventies, only recently it has gained a renewed impetus.
In this project, the PV-TE will be
used on the solar simulator. This project will help in testing the performance
of the PV-TE in indoor test facilities and without the need to use the real
sunlight. This surely helps in preventing the panels to be bake in
unpredictable outdoor environment. A solar simulator makes possible the accurate measurement of the
optical-to-electrical conversion efficiency of photovoltaic-thermoelectric
(PV-TE). The instrument quantitatively simulates the irradiance and spectral
output of our own sun so that we can obtain efficiency data from the panel.
this research studies, it will help in producing a new development of solar
simulator by combining the photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid module system. It
can be used to test the performance of the solar cell so that an improvement
can be done by identifying and do an analysis on the result produce. This will
make sure that the recommendations on the most suitable of solar panel system
with respect to the efficiency output can be achieved.
Sunday, 3 March 2013
A solar simulator (also artificial sun)
is a device that provides illumination approximating natural sunlight.
The purpose of the solar simulator is to provide a controllable indoor test
facility under laboratory conditions, used for the testing of solar cells, sun screen, plastics,
and other materials and devices. (1) This project is an alternative way to test
the solar panel indoors. Instead of using the direct sunlight, now it will use
an artificial sunlight which will be produce by the xenon lamp. The PV-TE
performance will be monitored using software called LabVIEW where the voltage (volt), current (ampere) and power (watt) is
measured and observed.
photovoltaic/thermal hybrid solar collector (short: PV/T collector) is a combination
of photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal (T) components/systems which produce
both electricity and heat from one integrated component. PV systems turn on
average less than 20% of the sunlight into electricity. The remainder is turned
into heat. As the
thermoelectric module at the bottom of it will remove the heat from the sun
while the sun’s heats convert into electricity. Utilising this
untapped energy is the general concept for hybrid systems. Through the application of systems that can
provide both (thermal and electrical), the energy yield per area unit of roof or
façade can be substantially increased. Further advantages are using heat
transfer from PV-module, improvement of conversion efficiency of solar cells,
increase of electric output and an aesthetically appealing more uniform look.
This renewable energy will helped in
producing sufficient energy for the usage of daily life. In order to have the
most efficient current and voltage produce, the hybrid system should be used. This research study will conclude with recommendation
on the output voltage by combining two sources.
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Solar Simulator
A solar
simulator (also artificial sun) is a device that
provides illumination approximating natural sunlight. The purpose of the
solar simulator is to provide a controllable indoor test facility under
laboratory conditions, used for the testing of solar cells, sun screen, plastics, and other materials
and devices. A Solar Simulation system
also known as sun simulator reproduces full spectrum light equal to natural
sunlight. The ground level spectrum of natural sunlight is different for
various locations on earth. The constituents of the atmosphere affect both
absorption and scattering. Elevation is another factor that affects the ground
level spectrum, since the elevation determines how far the sun's radiation must
pass through the atmosphere. For any given location the distance the sun's
radiation must travel through the atmosphere changes as the day progresses, due
to the changing angle of the sun. With the sun directly overhead the direct
radiation that passes through travels the shortest distance through earth's
atmosphere to reach the earth.
Friday, 8 February 2013
Hybrid Solar Panel
Hybrid photovoltaic/thermoelectric is a systems that convert solar radiation into thermal and electrical energy. These systems combine a photovoltaic cell, which converts electromagnetic radiation (photons)
into electricity, with a solar thermal collector,
which captures the remaining energy and removes waste heat from the PV module.
The capture of both electricity and heat allow these devices to be more overall
energy efficient than solar photovoltaic (PV) or solar thermal alone.
Photovoltaic cells suffer from a drop in efficiency with the rise in
temperature due to increased resistance. Such systems can be engineered
to carry heat away from the PV cells thereby cooling the cells and thus
improving their efficiency by lowering resistance.
Saturday, 2 February 2013
What is Photovoltaic/Thermoelectric?
"photovoltaic effect" is the basic physical process through which a
PV cell converts sunlight into electricity. Sunlight is composed of photons, or
particles of solar energy. These photons contain various amounts of energy
corresponding to the different wavelengths of the solar spectrum.
When photons strike a PV cell, they may be
reflected or absorbed, or they may pass right through. Only the absorbed
photons generate electricity. When this happens, the energy of the photon is
transferred to an electron in an atom of the cell (which is actually a
semiconductor). With its newfound energy, the electron is able to escape from
its normal position associated with that atom to become part of the current in
an electrical circuit. By leaving this position, the electron causes a
"hole" to form. Special electrical properties of the PV cell—a
built-in electric field—provide the voltage needed to drive the current through
an external load (such as a light bulb).
The thermoelectric effect is the direct conversion of temperature differences to electric voltage and vice-versa. A
thermoelectric device creates a voltage when there is a different temperature
on each side.Conversely, when a voltage is applied to it, it creates a
temperature difference. At the atomic scale, a applied temperature gradient causes charge carriers in the
material to diffuse from the hot side to the cold side.
This effect can be used
to generate electricity, measure temperature or change the temperature of
objects. Because the direction of heating and cooling is determined by the
polarity of the applied voltage, thermoelectric devices are efficient temperature
Monday, 28 January 2013
WEEK 1: First Briefing
As students bachelor of electrical technology UNIKL BMI, we were given a task to complete the final year of our project before we graduated. On the first week, a briefing is made by the FYP1 committee to acknowledge the students what they need to do for FYP1. Student must have FYP title project before select the advisor. So for this semester, students need to propose their project and search for their supervisors.
As for me, after searching an advisor i have been assigned to do a solar simulator project which using both the photovoltaic together with the thermoelectric. Eventhough I feel like it will be a complicated journey, but I believe it still can be done. I've been told by my advisor to do a blog to state what I've been researching for the projects. Therefore, this is my first step of my journey to complete the task given...
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